"Cooking is an art about Love...When you cook with pure love for the Lord...sure destiny is GOD"

Paper Dosa

Urad Dal - 1 cup
Rice - 2 cups
Methi Seeds - 1 tsp
idly rava - 2 tsps(optional)
Oil - 1 tsp for each dosa
Salt - to taste

1. Soak the Urad dal, rice, methi seeds with water for at least 4-6 hours.

2. Grind the soaked ingredients with enough water into a batter,But keep in mind not to add too much water and make the batter running.

3. Boil idly rava with some water and add it to the batter and mix well without any lumps.

4. Allow batter to ferment in a warm place for about 8-10 hours. Make sure the container has enough room for the batter to rise.

5. Place a non stick griddle on medium heat.Add salt and water (if required) to the batter.

6. Once hot, pour a ladle full of batter at the center,With the back of the ladle, spread the batter thinly,Start from the center and work outwards, in a fast circular motion.

Note: Spread the batter as soon as you pour it on the griddle. The batter will start getting cooked other wise and stick to the ladle, if you try spreading it after a while.

7.Drip few drops of oil in the middle of dosa.Let it cook on medium heat until it turns golden brown in color.(I prefer cooking the dosa just on one side as it is more crispy, if you prefer you could flip the dosa over and cook the other side also)

8. Remove from griddle and offer with tulasi leaf to the Lord.

The fermentation is slow in winter and quick during summer. The key to getting nice dosas is in fermenting the batter.

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